Thursday, January 28, 2010

You are a cracker jack!

Wanna download these cool things?!?!?!?! Go HERE!

Happy Birthday Japanese Flags

Everybody needs these flags, especially in Japanese! Check them out here!

Printable Vday Tags

Check these out here!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

a blah day

20th of January 2010

Weather was good. 75 windy not humid.

After taking the kids to school I was mentally prepared to grade 32 powerpoint presentations. Big Daddy says… cable is out. WHAT!?!?!?!?!!! UGH!!! So I folded laundry and TRIED to do things at my desk that didn’t need the internet or vonage line. Luckily it came back on around 10ish. Spent the day grading powerpoints.

J-man wanted me to color with him, so I took a 10 minute break to enjoy some coloring.
Big Daddy made BBQd ribs tonight. Yummy!

Tomorrow is CUPCAKE TIME!!!! Going to be gone ALL DAY!!!! Gonna love EVERY MINUTE!
Just really want the kids to not have school EVER!!!

20 January 2010

20 January 2010

Joyce Meyer’s book, “Look Great Feel Great”

Why don’t we take care of ourselves?

• We don’t know how to take care of our physical bodies.
• We have a skewed body image planted in our minds by media and advertising
• We have lost touch with exercise.
• We have let ourselves slip into unworkable lives
• Some have become pathologically selfless
• We have lost our support
• We have forgotten our own value

Do you have any idea how valuable you are? You do not understand your own value. If you did, you wouldn’t treat yourself that way. Maybe you never learned your own importance. Maybe it’s buried under a to-do list that clamored louder for your attention than your own soul did.

God’s value system- It applies to all people and it puts your entire being (body mind, will, emotions, and spirit) right at the top of God’s list of important and valuable things. Only by keeping your spirit, soul, and body in tip-top condition can you truly do God’s work.

Holy Spirit: “I want you to get over this because you are no good to Me in this condition.”

Your body is the temple of your spirit and soul; it is the house they dwell in while on this earth. God’s word says that your body is the temple of GOD! He dwells in those who believe in Him.
1 Corinthians 6:19

Do you not know that your body is the temple (the very sanctuary) of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, Whom you have received [as a Gift] from God? You are not your own.

Each time we push ourselves beyond reasonable limits, we do some damage, and if we do it too often we get to a point where we can’t recover.

The devil will put lots of bad food within easy reach and let you mistake spiritual or emotional hunger for physical hunger.

If you don’t understand your own importance in the Big Plan, taking care of yourself seems pointless. You need to look great and feel great, ready to do whatever God asks of you.

Joyce Meyer’s book: “Look Great Feel Great”

Monday, January 18, 2010

January 18th 2010

I'm going to try this out for awhile and see how I like it. A friend of mine got me started on journaling every day even just a little bit. I love the idea and want to continue to do it. I also realized that I like to email my mom and grandma everyday because I miss and love them. So what if I combine the two and even save time?!!?!?!?!?!?

Let's see how this works out.

Today was in the low 70s. Sunny and beautiful
Worked all morning and went to the commissary in the afternoon. I graded a bunch of papers (luckily I only have 32 students now instead of 40) I also was available for them to ask me any questions.

The kids didn't have school today since it's Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It was so nice to get an extra day with them. Jeff is drying some of the super hot Japanese peppers. The dehumidifier is in the laundry with the door shut... It was getting a bit "pepper sprayish" in there. LOL Cleaned up and organized my desk.

No flights to Guam for the next 72 hours. It's looking like it's a no go. Can't say I didn't try.

Tomorrow is bible study, YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sun Dogs

Paco saw a Sun Dog in Nebraska!!! BEAUTIFUL!

Typically seen to the left and right of a low-lying sun, sun dogs, or parhelia, can take a number of forms—from slightly brighter segments of a solar halo to rainbow-hued horizontal streaks to blinding spots nearly indistinguishable from the sun itself.
Despite Nebraska's subzero temperatures, sun dogs don't require cold ground temperatures. The atmospheric phenomena can be seen globally in any season. (from

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I find cool things all the time on the internet. I usually try to print them off or send them to everyone. I think I am going to start just posting the info here on my blog. So lets give it a try.

Want to make chocolate spoons? Check out Alpha Mom's post!