Saturday, February 21, 2009


You may or may not have noticed, but I haven't updated my blog in awhile. I had this cold that seems to never want to leave. I think it really likes me and Jeff.

So I just got back in the groove of working out about 4 days ago. I'm feeling great and enjoying how well I feel mentally when I get some exercise.

I'm in a bible study and we are going through, Calm My Anxious Heart. Our last chapter discussed being content with who we are, especially in Christ.

It's a tough thing to grasp, God loves me for me. He truly wants the best for me and loves me no matter what. I am able to partially understand this love as it's the same I have for my children. There is nothing that they can do, say or look like that will affect how much I love them.

So, I let it go. I've beat myself up enough! I'm going to do as much as I can and let God do what he wants with all the rest. I am not gonna beat myself up, just pick myself up and ask God for the strength to do 5 minutes of stairs, or 5 minutes of walking. Who doesn't have time for 5 minutes?!?@?!?!!?!? If I do enough 5 minutes I feel fabulous.

So I plan to continue to get up before anyone should really ever get up, so I can have time with God and time to sweat it out before anyone else is awake. It's so easy to find excuses as the day goes on. I truly feel this is what God is asking of me, because it's not too bad if when I finally get finished working out in the morning. I find I don't need a pot of coffee to carry on.

I'll update as I feel the need to.

I would much rather be as big as I am now, then to ever look like this!!

Mona Kids Jungle

I took the kids to Mona Kids Jungle on President's Day. It is a big indoor playground and the kids had a blast for 3 hours!!!!! I got a lot, A LOT, of reading done and they had a fabulous time! We are sure to go back again and again while we're here.

Some sweaty kids!

Alli's favorite was the ball pit.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sun Sun Beach (Southern Section of Island)

We were so very fortunate to happen upon this beach, the Azama Sun Sun Beach. It was a very peaceful place. The water was a little chilly but if we had brought our swimsuits, we would have jumped in. Just breathtaking!

Our first time on the Expressway!

There were quite a few of these tunnels on the Expressway.

Not sure of the story about this airplane on top of this house, but it sure is unique.

The Japanese are all about details, they're really good too!

Some "bikers".

I believe that this is a postman.

A mini-4 wheeler.

Note the man on the roof of the white building! No safety harness necessary in Okinawa.

Another beautiful home.

I want to have that job, standing and watching. They seem to have a lot of those.

2 guys riding a motorcycle. It is VERY common to see this here. Still a little weird to me though. LOL

They always wrap their construction areas.

Old dude on old scooter.

Men working.

Someone got pulled over.

Don't know if you can read the sign, it says 80 clicks! That's 49.7 miles per hour, we were flying!

We had a fabulous time driving around. I actually felt like we "got away" from it all even though it all looked the same.

New Couch

Here is a picture of our free big red couch. Seriously the biggest couch you've ever seen!!!

We ordered our new couch from Yellow Box here on Okinawa the first week of December. It only took 6 weeks to get here!

These kids are so silly!