We decided to go to the aquarium on the 4th of July. We drove an hour and half up there. It was very hot and very busy, but was super fun. Right when we were leaving the aquarium it started down pouring on us. I had to wring my clothes out to get in the car, NO KIDDING! It was a long drive back home.

This is a shisa fountain, super cool!

In this area the kids were allowed to touch the animals. Of course they didn't. I asked Alli why she didn't touch the animals. She said that she wanted to touch the fish.

I love these big dopey looking fish. They are just so big and odd looking.

This thing was as big as Kelly! The biggest crab/lobster thing I ever saw!

icky eels. Jeff likes to eat them.

These are another kind of eel that lives in the sand. They were so cool to watch.

This is the main attraction. A HUGE aquarium with whale sharks and many other fish.

Another dopey fish. If you look to the right of it you can see it's size in comparison to a person.

You could sit under the aquarium curve and watch the fish, but of course it was full so we grabbed a quick shot.

Another dopey fish. This one the right side of his face is all messed up.

This little Jelly fish was about 2 inches long. There were many many fish that live in the depths of the ocean, but it was toooooooooo dark to take pics.
It was definitely fun and a great way to spend the 4th of July here in Okinawa.
We did get to watch the fireworks on our front porch, then went to bed. They were beautiful!
Awesome pixs - you always know how to have fun!!!!