So I just got back in the groove of working out about 4 days ago. I'm feeling great and enjoying how well I feel mentally when I get some exercise.

I'm in a bible study and we are going through, Calm My Anxious Heart. Our last chapter discussed being content with who we are, especially in Christ.

It's a tough thing to grasp, God loves me for me. He truly wants the best for me and loves me no matter what. I am able to partially understand this love as it's the same I have for my children. There is nothing that they can do, say or look like that will affect how much I love them.

So I plan to continue to get up before anyone should really ever get up, so I can have time with God and time to sweat it out before anyone else is awake. It's so easy to find excuses as the day goes on. I truly feel this is what God is asking of me, because it's not too bad if when I finally get finished working out in the morning. I find I don't need a pot of coffee to carry on.
I'll update as I feel the need to.
I would much rather be as big as I am now, then to ever look like this!!